How long does it take for someone to love you? It's interesting.. love comes in different shapes and sizes..sometimes instantly, sometimes over time...but really.. is there a time when love s supposed to happen? I just believe a bond that exists just grows and develops forming a foundation for two people to love each other and it makes it a great for them to go back and forth, give and take in a relationship.
It takes two people to give of self unselfishly, with compromise and kindness and healthy debate, being in the same room in silence, or treasuring the little day in and day out of learning about one another, I met someone and knew instantly I loved them, I didn't jump the gun on this but let it happen leavning room for growth and waithing to discover those things about us that promoted our differences as no two people are the same no matter how compatible we are things always come up that we didn't reconize in the beginning and we have to decicde if said things can promote a healthy relationship..
But is that how it's supposed to be? Can you last with any person a life long of a relationship if you really know them inside out? What about chemistry? What about the divorces that have become such a common thing?why would people break relationships if that was the only thing that mattered? When I started dating I used to think loving someone is just getting to know them love them for who they are and live by it.. just like family... But now I wonder why I ever though of that... Yes, you can live with anyone adjust to what they want of you.. but love... We are talking about ultimate love over here!!!
And love I believe can only happen when two people understand each other(not try to! But just do) and know who they actually are and respect each other for it.... You gotta know expecting them to be something and them wanting to be something for you is all just not right.. love's gotta be effortless.. what's written in the books gotta be right!! There is a love that exists like that we just feel we are not worthy of it and let ourselves be different than who we actually are for another person! But no! There is someone out there for each one of us so perfect... We just gotta have that faith!
Meanwhile why don't all of us just take time and see through us of who we really are and what we really want!